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Nelson Wood Shims
3/8' x 1-1/2' tapered to 1/16' or less, 8' long. Made from kiln dried, northern white woods. Used for setting door jambs and window frames, shimming plates, cabinets, floors, joists, furring strips, and under splices on wood siding. For best results use in pairs. 12 shims per bundle.
Henry® 555 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating
Henry Premier Fibered Asphalt Roof Coating (4.75 gal)
Harvey™ MP-6 Multi-Purpose Milky Clear Cement
Vulcan JL20016 Hammer 16 oz Head Curved Claw Head CS Head 13-3/4 in OAL (16 oz)
Midwest Fastener Corrugated Wood Joiner 5/8"